Last week we talked about the doctrine of election. It’s a hard doctrine for many to swallow but a doctrine that is found all throughout the pages of scripture. As I was processing last week’s sermon, I wanted to give you the most basic answer to what you do with that doctrine. Worship! We were created to worship God. He is worthy to be worshiped. While God created all things to worship Him, the redeemed’s redemption is the foundation for their worship. Worship is the only appropriate response to salvation. In Luke 19 Jesus said He came to “seek and save that which was lost”, in John 4 He told the woman at the well that the Father was seeking true worshipers. Jesus came seeking the true worshippers of the Father. The plan of salvation was laid with the purpose of producing worshipers. The correct response to God’s election is worship. That’s the main theme of scripture, the main theme of heaven, and the main theme of our redemption.
- Post author:sysman
- Post published:02/19/2023