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In this week’s sermon, we will see Jesus pray to the Father and ask Him to keep those that are His. This keeping is the guarantee of one’s eternal salvation. Assurance of salvation is one of the greatest blessings we could have. Far too many Christians lack the confidence that their faith is secure in Jesus Christ. The forgiveness of God is everlasting and the assurance of salvation is eternal. If you have ever tried to evangelize, you have no doubt met someone who has a false assurance of where they will spend eternity. People are sure they will go to heaven because they are better than their neighbors, or frequently attend church and give to those in need. People often have a false sense of assurance because they have received lousy teaching that gives them assurance based on a one-time repeated prayer and there was no concern for conduct change or holiness. But real salvation is not an act of man, it’s a work of God. When the divine creator of the universe changes a heart, that gift of salvation is secure. Romans 11:29 says “the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable.” This same God that saves us is the very God who promised to know our sins no more than cast them to the depths of the sea. Doubt is one of Satan’s primary tools in attacking a believer. All true believers can rest in the security that they are held by God Himself and He loses nothing.