Worship Is the Response to Christmas

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Merry Christmas! With December 25 happening this week, I wanted to remind you of the appropriate response to Christmas. Luke in his gospel, gives us a repeated response by the different characters in this historical event. ~ Luke 1:29-45 -Elizabeth’s response to Christmas is to worship. ~ Luke 1:46-55 -Mary’s response to Christmas is to worship. ~ Luke 1:68-75 -Zachariah’s response to Christmas is to worship. ~ Luke 2:10-14 -The Angel’s response to Christmas is to worship. ~Luke 2:20 -The shepherd’s response to Christmas is to worship. ~Luke 2:28 -Simeon’s response to Christmas is to worship. ~ Luke 2:38 -Anna’s response to Christmas is to worship. As you can see, our response to God giving us Christ to save us from our sin needs to be true worship. You should have a Godward focus. Our society has turned Christmas into something that is all about us. For the Christian, Christmas is to be a season of overwhelming thankfulness that bursts out of us in true worship. God created us to worship Him. Your worship is a response to His saving work. So, get your focus off of self, keep your focus on Jesus Christ, and rejoice in God our savior.