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Today is a great day. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, along with the death of Jesus Christ, is the greatest event in the history
of the universe. Of everything that is ever celebrated, for Christians this should be truly embraced. Belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave is absolutely essential to ones Christianity. Romans 10:9 – says we must believe that God raised
Him from the dead. Now Christ’s resurrection is so important because it’s connected to several things.

First, His resurrection is connected to His death. One can’t rise from the dead unless they first die. Christ’s death was the necessary payment to release God’s people from their bondage to sin and death. The resurrection was proof of God accepting that payment. God was satisfied with the sacrifice. Romans 4:25 says He was delivered up for our trespassed and raised for our justification. If Jesus didn’t rise, God would not have approved His death and we would not be justified.

Second, Jesus Christ’s resurrection is the guarantee of our own resurrection. The Bible calls Christ the first fruit of those who
have fallen asleep. That means there is more resurrection to come.
1 Corinthians 15 makes it clear that all people will have a bodily
resurrection. Death isn’t the end of us spiritually or bodily, and
Christ’s resurrection guarantees that.
Lastly today, Christ’s resurrection is the hope of His future
ministry. We know that Christ is interceding for His people today.
He isn’t dead. He rose and continues to be the great High Priest for
those that are His. But the Bible also makes a lot of future promises concerning Christ. Christ will judge, rule, reward, and fellowship with His people. Those things would be impossible if He was
dead. He conquered death forever and lives! We must celebrate
the amazing resurrection of Jesus Christ. His death and rising is
the greatest event to ever take place.