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1 Peter 4:11 says “whoever speaks is to do so as one who speaks the utterance of God.” That’s a high calling. When handling Biblical truth you do so as the oracles of God. That means the pastor or teacher must deliver gospel truth with some authority. God’s word is delivered with the authority of God behind it. That is a very unpopular reality for a society that loves sin and rejoices at compromise. To speak boldly and declare God’s word with finality is considered politically incorrect and will get you canceled in today’s culture. But, if we truly believe that the Bible is God’s word, we can’t handle it any other way than to know it holds all authority. Scripture must be delivered in such a way that sets it apart from being just another option. It must be delivered as divinely revealed truth that carries the full authority of God. That means every opinion one has should be evaluated by the Word of God. Since scripture is the final authority, make sure you are sitting under teaching that isn’t man’s opinion but Bible exposition. That type of preaching will be authoritative. It will be bold because it is God’s word not man’s.