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I was playing with my son recently when I began to think about what he is seeing. I know my child is being raised in faithful preaching, but what do my actions say to him. I realize that a six-month-old is a little young, but what will my child learn by watching my example. We should all want our lives to reflect the blessing of submission to God’s will. Resting in God’s sovereignty should be learned from watching our lives. But unfortunately, we often worry, are consumed with doubt, and don’t reflect the qualities of a Godly example. This led me to the book of Proverbs. Most of Proverbs is written by Solomon and is often addressed to the “young” and “naive”. In Proverbs 1:8-9 Solomon address-es his own son. This is a collection of practical wisdom passed down from Solomon to his son. The book of Proverbs then is a practical resource for parents to live by as they train their children to live God-honoring lives. The life of Solomon himself is an example of what I am trying to teach you in this short article. Solomon’s teaching that he left for his son was great, but the example that he left was inconsistent with his own teaching. He nullified the things he taught by not living them himself. That’s the greatest mistake you can make as a parent. Teach your kids the Bible, but realize that the lessons they are learning from you go far beyond the words on the pages as they watch the way you live.