Jumping Back Into John

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It’s been several Sundays since we left John to look at Christmas in the Old Testament. Today we return to the book of John and continue to follow this carefully written account of the life of Christ. Jesus has been fulfilling the Father’s will in the form of seeking the lost. He has performed many miracles that validate His message. Now, on the last day before His crucifixion, He spends his time with the eleven faithful apostles in the upper room. This large section of chapters (13-17) can all be summed up with LOVE. As Christ loves them, He makes them some incredible promises, then goes to the Father and prays about those promises. As we continue to navigate this text together we will see Christ institute the Lord’s supper, we will hear Him give two more “I Am” statements and we will dive into the amazing chapter 17 where God the Son prays to God the Father. There is so much to learn through this text as we watch God’s perfect plan of salvation unfold. Bring your Bibles with you on Sundays and come ready to dig through the book of John.