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As I spent my week studying this topic of holiness and the calling to live unlike the world, it came with the pattern of obedience. Obeying God is the pattern of holiness. Obedience is to God’s word is what sets us apart. Romans 6:16-17 give us a great picture of obedience. In 16, Paul sets up that what we obey is what we are slaves to. That’s pretty obvious. The thing that rules over you or commands your actions is what you are a slave of. But then in v.17, Paul says there has been a change in believers, “thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart.” When one starts loving the commands of God inward they become a slave to righteousness. We want to be a church of people who obey God from the heart. We want to live as people who are set apart from the world. Let’s do things Gods way and encourage one another to obey.